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My three most popular posts!

I can't believe it, but backstreetpilgrim has been online now for just over a year now, and I have published fifty blogposts. Fifty! When I started, I wondered if I had anything to say. I still wonder that, but find that I'm saying it anyway.

I thought I'd take a look back and see what my most popular three posts were. Just to see what grabbed people's attention and made them want to read.

And here they are...

1. God in the tiredness

Way way more hits than any other post. Telling us something?

2. Overwhelmed

Whoa! Bit of a theme going on here...

3. It's how you read it

Who knew so many people had trouble reading the Bible?

I'd love to know if these posts spoke to you and why. Were they your favourite? Or do you have others? Let me know lovely people. The writing comes alive when it's read.

Aaaaand - thank you!

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